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Drugs, Guns, and Rebels: What Political Science Can Help Us Understand

What is political science? Is it only about elections, votes, and political parties? Or can it be broader - can it include the study of ethnic conflict and nationalism, terrorism and rebel groups, social movements and democracy, revolutions and social transformation? In this workshop, we'll discuss some of the questions political scientists ask, and we'll try to analyse several contemporary issues using political science frameworks.

Speaker: Radha Sarkar graduated with a B.A. from Princeton University, with high honours, where she studied political science and Latin American studies. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in comparative politics at the London School of Economics.

Date: 17th March

Time - 4 to 6 pm

Venue: 301, DLF Cross Point Mall, DLF Phase IV, Gurgaon

17 March

Careers & Majors Series of Workshops

18 March

Ahimsa Beyond Nonviolence and Gandhi