Rukmini Chatterjee's common app short activity answer on baking!
Instead of focusing on something unique, Rukmini chose to write about an activity that’s quite quotidian- baking. Nevertheless, her descriptive imagery and obvious passion for baking ultimately made her essay exceptional.
Rukmini Chatterjee ‘ 14 Brown - wrote.
Bakers build constructs of fantasy and function. An ideal confection has a precise blend of infusion, texture and satisfying sweetness. Achieving this is not instantaneous. Many rainy afternoons fly by researching recipes: plan; prepare; review. On a quest for delectable dessert, I know I am running a race. Timing is crucial to success in all baking, be it pie, soufflé, pastry or cake. My eye remains resolutely on the clock. Efficient techniques rely on effort and dexterity. These variables form unique formulae. Tweaking proportions, I reinvent old favorites; explore flavors; create new recipes. I fuse the familiar with the foreign; I get a whiff of what's to come. Pour in the batter. Wait for the oven to work magic.
My kitchen: my laboratory. It has borne its fair share of explosions and exultation. Taking stock of my gastronomic catastrophes, I have found satisfaction in modifying failures into mouth-watering winners.
Rukmini Chatterjee ‘ 14 Brown - wrote.
Bakers build constructs of fantasy and function. An ideal confection has a precise blend of infusion, texture and satisfying sweetness. Achieving this is not instantaneous. Many rainy afternoons fly by researching recipes: plan; prepare; review. On a quest for delectable dessert, I know I am running a race. Timing is crucial to success in all baking, be it pie, soufflé, pastry or cake. My eye remains resolutely on the clock. Efficient techniques rely on effort and dexterity. These variables form unique formulae. Tweaking proportions, I reinvent old favorites; explore flavors; create new recipes. I fuse the familiar with the foreign; I get a whiff of what's to come. Pour in the batter. Wait for the oven to work magic.
My kitchen: my laboratory. It has borne its fair share of explosions and exultation. Taking stock of my gastronomic catastrophes, I have found satisfaction in modifying failures into mouth-watering winners.