Green Mountain College application deadlines and supplementary essay prompts
Fall 2015
First Year
- Early Action - 11/01/2014
- Early Action II - 01/03/2015
- Rolling Admission - 07/31/2015
Spring 2015
First Year
- Rolling Admission - 01/16/201
Leadership - Describe one or more examples of leadership experience in which you have significantly influenced others or contributed to the success of a group over time. The experience(s) you describe may be in or out of school.
Creativity/specialized knowledge or skill - Describe a special interest that you have which makes you proud. Explain how you have demonstrated creativity in that area or developed a special talent or skill.
Dealing with adversity - Describe a significant challenge that you have had to face, the steps you took to address the challenge, and what you learned about yourself in the process.
Community service - What experiences have you had that contribute to making your community a better place in which to live? Mention specific projects or initiatives and outcomes.
Environmental awareness - Do you feel that the environmental liberal arts focus at Green Mountain College is a good fit for your interests? Why?
Goal accomplishment - Describe one or more specific goals that you set for yourself and how you demonstrated diligence and a strong work ethic to accomplish the goal(s).
Graded Writing Sample - your graded writing sample should be a strong example of your writing ability. We are looking for depth of thought, careful analysis and sound mechanics. Your writing sample should have been written and graded within the last two years and include your teacher’s comments. Examples: research paper, position paper, literary or historical analysis, creative writing piece, etc.