Pomona College application deadlines and supplementary essay prompts

Please respond to one of the following two prompts:

Fall 2015

First Year

  • Early Decision - 11/01/2014
  • Regular Decision - 01/01/2015
  • Early Decision II - 01/01/2015

Prompt 1: Pomona's Critical Inquiry course is required of all first-year students, and is designed to be highly interdisciplinary and engaging. Recent class titles include: 'Molecules of the Mind', 'The Economics of Sin', and 'Punk: Poets, Politics and Provocation'. Imagine you were hired to design and teach a Critical Inquiry course. Describe the title of the class, its contents, and why you chose it.

Prompt 2: What does freedom mean to you?

Hint: A .pdf file under 500 KB in size will be accepted.

If there is a broader context in which we should consider your performance and involvements or if there are any factors that may affect your adjustment to college life, please provide that information.

If you would like to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application, please provide that information.


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