Join Kolkata’s first College Application Essaython hosted by Openhouse and Arjun Seth/Edbrand! [by Invitation only]
Date: Saturday 29 September 2018
Time 11:00 am to 3 pm
Venue: Openhouse, AC Market, 7th Floor
Arjun Seth - Founder Edbrand and Shantanu Garg CMC 2014 will lead this unique ~4 hours long essay writing hackathon. The objective will be to get to a final draft of your personal essay in one long sitting!
The first part of the Edbrand Essaython will be educational and delivered in a fast paced workshop style. The aim of this will be to help you answer the following questions:
How to generate / evaluate a good topic
How to generate a narrative outline
Participants will do the actual writing of the essay during the second part. Arjun and Shantanu have a cumulative mentoring experience of over 23 years and will work side by side with students. The participants will learn how to edit an essay from rough to final draft.
Selection to this program will require a 5-10 minute phone interview. Please register your interest by filling out this form. You can expect a call from Mr. Arjun Seth's office once you've sent your details!