Blog posts on college admissions by Arjun Seth
Why Honesty Matters in College
College is a time of self-discovery and growth, and the choices you make during this period can have long-lasting effects. Engaging in deceit, betrayal, manipulation, back-biting, or hypocrisy may seem tempting, but the consequences far outweigh the temporary gains. By valuing honesty and integrity, you cultivate a positive reputation, build strong relationships, and develop a solid foundation for future success. So, as you embark on your college journey, remember that true achievement is not measured by what you get away with but by the principles you uphold.
College is a transformative period in our lives, where we explore new horizons, forge lasting friendships, and gain valuable knowledge. However, amid the excitement and newfound independence, some students may be tempted to believe that they can engage in deceit, betrayal, manipulation, back-biting, and hypocrisy without facing consequences as long as they aren't caught. In this article, we will discuss the problems associated with such behavior and provide examples from college life's social, academic, and extra-curricular aspects to emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity.
In college, building a strong social network is crucial for personal growth and future opportunities. However, engaging in deceit, betrayal, or manipulation can severely damage your relationships. For instance, spreading false rumors or gossiping about others may give you a temporary sense of power, but it erodes trust and respect among your peers. When your friends discover your true intentions, the fallout can be devastating, leading to loneliness and isolation.
College is a time for intellectual growth and learning. However, resorting to dishonest practices such as plagiarism, cheating, or fabricating data in academic pursuits can have severe repercussions. Not only does it undermine the value of your education, but it also compromises your personal and professional integrity. If discovered, the consequences may range from failing grades, academic probation, or even expulsion. Moreover, the negative impact on your reputation can persist long after college and affect your future career prospects.
Engaging in extra-curricular activities can help you develop leadership skills, pursue your passions, and build meaningful connections. However, negative behavior such as back-biting or hypocrisy towards others involved in these activities can damage your reputation and impede personal growth. For example, if you backstab your fellow club members to gain a position of authority, it may lead to resentment and a lack of trust within the group. Professors or potential employers can also notice your unethical actions, which can significantly impact future opportunities.
It is important to realize that the consequences of deceptive behavior extend beyond college. Employers value integrity and ethical conduct, and dishonesty during your college years may come back to haunt you in the professional world. A reputation for deceit or manipulation can be difficult to overcome and may limit your career prospects. Furthermore, these negative traits can damage personal relationships and hinder your ability to form meaningful connections in the future. Maintaining a high standard of integrity in college will help you navigate the challenges of student life and shape your character for years to come.
Breaking Free from the Weight of Expectations
As high school graduates prepare for life at college, it is crucial to take a step back and critically examine the narrative that has shaped our lives.
In the journey toward college, many high school graduates are burdened by the weight of their own stories. From an early age, we absorb societal expectations and the desires of our parents, which become integral parts of our story. We are told who we should be, how we should act, what we should desire, and what we should fear. These ideas permeate our subconscious, shaping our decisions, self-perception, behavior, and aspirations. However, it is important to question whether these expectations truly align with our authentic selves and our individual passions and aspirations. This article will explore the consequences of taking our story too seriously and discuss how embracing authenticity can lead to a more fulfilling college experience and a sense of personal liberation.
As high school graduates prepare for life at college, it is crucial to take a step back and critically examine the narrative that has shaped our lives.
In the journey toward college, many high school graduates are burdened by the weight of their own stories. From an early age, we absorb societal expectations and the desires of our parents, which become integral parts of our story. We are told who we should be, how we should act, what we should desire, and what we should fear. These ideas permeate our subconscious, shaping our decisions, self-perception, behavior, and aspirations. However, it is important to question whether these expectations truly align with our authentic selves and our individual passions and aspirations. This article will explore the consequences of taking our story too seriously and discuss how embracing authenticity can lead to a more fulfilling college experience and a sense of personal liberation.
Recognizing the influence of inherited expectations allows us to navigate life at college with greater clarity and purpose. Perhaps we have been conditioned to believe that success can only be achieved by pursuing a particular college major. By critically examining this belief, we may discover that our true passion lies in a different field that better aligns with our skills and values. With this newfound clarity, we can approach our academic choices at college with a sense of purpose, focusing on finding a major that supports our individual growth and nurtures our genuine interests rather than solely chasing external validation.
Taking our story too seriously often leads to a preoccupation with the past, filled with regrets and what-ifs. Engaging with college opportunities and dealing with challenges can be difficult if we are preoccupied with the past. This can hinder our ability to make new connections, explore diverse interests, and fully embrace our true identity. By letting go of the past and focusing on the present, we can create a more authentic college experience.
Another repercussions of taking our story too seriously is the pervasive fear it instills in us regarding the future. For instance, the fear of failure and the unknown can hold us back from participating in extracurricular activities or pursuing new opportunities, limiting our personal and professional development. By recognizing that our past does not predetermine our future, we can break free from these limitations, embrace uncertainty, and explore new paths of personal growth and fulfillment during our college journey.
Reclaiming our inner freedom means recognizing that we have the power to shape our own story, rather than being defined by external expectations. By cultivating self-awareness, exploring diverse interests, and prioritizing personal growth and self-discovery, we can forge a path that aligns with our passions and values. By acknowledging the influence of inherited expectations, letting go of past regrets, embracing the present, and facing the future with courage and curiosity, we can break free from the limitations of our own story. By doing so, we open ourselves up to a more authentic and fulfilling college experience that aligns with our true selves and enables personal growth and fulfillment.
Ishnoor Singh, Creating Affordable Home Automation Technology
When I think of home automation, I'm reminded of Tony Stark's house with light sensitive blinds, glass interface system, and an artificial intelligence bot running the whole show. However, when Ishnoor Singh thinks of home automation- he thinks of finding ways to improve the safety and accessibility of his grandparents. The 17 year old Gurgaon student found that most home automation systems are very expensive and embarked on creating his own system with the simple idea of controlling lights in the house. What started as a small home project became huge when he took to a crowdfunding website to fund some prototypes. He asked for 45,000 rupees but raised over 70,000 in ten days. Turns out there was a much larger demand for the invention that he had imagined!
We are all very proud of Ishnoor and are excited for his prototypes to come to fruition. HIndustan Times featured him along with other young innovators. Here is the link.
Ishnoor was also facilitated by the Ashoka Youth Venture team recent.