What is it?
A Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival offers students thought-provoking mathematical problems in a social and cooperative atmosphere.
Students work individually or in groups for as long as they like to solve fun puzzles, problem sets, and games, with support provided by a facilitator.
Motivation comes from social interaction and collaboration, rather than from any prize, grade, medal, or ranking! You can find out more here: https://jrmf.org/
Who is it for?
Grades 8-12. We welcome all types of students - from those struggling with mathematics to those soaring in achievement.
Currently open to only Edbrand Students
Why should you participate?
This is a great opportunity for you to hone your critical thinking skills, learn to approach a problem in unique ways, and collaborate with others (especially in our new online world).
It doesn't matter if you love Math or not, this is a chance for you to challenge yourself!
To register, contact your friendly neighborhood mentor! **
**This edition of the festival is only open for Edbrand students. We are excited to open it up to all students very soon!