A special LAC less than 30 minutes from booming Columbus, Denison University is a special place indeed.
Denison is beautiful college on top of a hill in the quaint little village of Granville, Ohio. Only 25 minutes away from the state's capital, Columbus. The 2,400 student liberal arts school is one of the oldest small colleges in the state. Founded in 1831 by settlers from Massachusetts, this college has the architectural look and feel of the northeast but in the midwest.
If you even happen to meet Denison's president, Adam Weinberg (something that isn't hard because he always interacting with people outside of his office), he will tell you about two things that he is the most proud of about Denison: 1. It's a dynamic space where students and professors are always changing, 2. The college runs on relationships. In the past three years, the college curriculum has seen constant improvements. The writing intensive seminars now span the first two years of college; the career exploration department has increased its footprint in the employment and internship markets through a $10 million donation; there are new majors: Data Analytics, Global Commerce, and Narrative nonfiction; a new arts building funded by Denison Alum and ex-Disney CEO Michael Eisner; and finally a change co-curricular design that tries to incorporate design thinking into everyday teaching.
The strongest academic programs are in Biology, Communication, Economics, and Psychology. Biology majors have their dedicated building with state of the art equipment, a greenhouse, and not to forget a 300 acre bioreserve for experiments. Some students also take advantage of the 3+2 engineering program with Columbia university or the 3+4 dental program with Case Western Reserve. Denison is also one of the only small schools to provide the Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics (PPE) program which runs like a triple major. This is also one of the only small schools that offer a BFA (Bachelors in Fine Arts) Research is big with a majority of students spending 10 weeks during the summer to research on campus through a extensive university grant or at partnering institutions.
Social life is restricted to campus if you don't have a car on campus. However frequent shuttles can take you to get groceries in the nearby towns. The college is residential all four years which means that you have intimate conversations with students right from the start. Greek life is popular with almost 35% of the student body being a part of it. However, even with their strong presence, they don't run the social life. Students are smart, competitive, and open to have new experiences.
With great administrative leadership, smart students, high quality academics, and with generous financial aid opportunities, Denison aims to offer an amazing four years.
Here are some facts about Denison.